Start Date: 3/13/2024 8:00 AM EDT
End Date: 3/15/2024 6:00 PM EDT
Venue Name: Capital Hilton
1001 16th St NW
Washington, DC United States 20036
Event Website:
Organization Name:
National Hydropower Association
Waterpower Week is the industry’s premier policy event.
This event provides a once-a-year opportunity for those in the North American hydro industry to focus specifically on the regulatory, policy, markets, and legislative aspects of their work. It’s also an important time to hear from and connect with others who affect the industry – regulators, resource agencies, and river and environmental communities.
Who Attends
Within the Waterpower Industry:
- Hydro Asset Owners
- Regulatory Staff
- Senior Executives
- Power Marketing Staff
- Legal Staff
- Communications/Public Affairs Staff
- Washington, D.C. Lobbyists
- Developers of New Waterpower Projects
- Companies who provide regulatory- and licensing-related services to asset owners
- Companies who provide hydro-related services and/or products whose customers and potential customers are affected by regulations
Beyond the Waterpower Industry:
- Congressional Policy Makers
- Federal and State Regulators
- Federal and State Resource Agencies
- Tribes interfacing with hydropower
- Power Marketing Administrations (PMAs) and RTOs/ISOs
- Non-governmental Organizations
- Conservation Groups
- River Community
- Fishing interests
- Climate Solutions/Clean Energy Groups
- Media/Press